Thursday, February 22, 2018

Infographic: Why longer content is sometimes better

Less is not always more.

Long-form content (content with more than 2,000 words) performs better because it gets you more shares on social media, you get more links to your website, and you increase your website authority. It is related to higher rankings in search results since the average content length of the top 10 search results is typically over2,000 words.

There is also a correlation between longer content and more shares on social media.

This infographic from SerpLogic identifies six key steps to creating successful long-form content:

1. Clearly identify your goals for your content.

2. Decide on gated (where a visitor has to fill out a form) or non-gated content.

3. Select a topic that will deliver value to your audience.

4. Decide who will write the content (some internally or externally).

5. Optimize your content for conversions.

6. Create a comprehensive and creative content promotion strategy.

[RELATED: Join us for the 30th annual Speechwriters and Executive Communicators Conference.]

Check out this infographic below by SerpLogic to learn more about the key benefits of long-form content, why you should create it and how to do it well:

Matthew Royse is a regional marketing director at Freudenberg IT, a global solutions provider, in Raleigh, NC. A version of this article originally appeared on his blog, Knowledge Enthusiast.

from PR Daily News Feed

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