Monday, July 9, 2018

3 executive communications roadblocks that are more common than you think

They see your leaders at town halls, press conferences and maybe even on national television.

But does it sometimes feel like there’s a wall between your executives and the audiences they speak to?

If your leaders are struggling to engage employees, customers or the news media, it could ultimately hurt your bottom line. Consider whether these factors might be affecting your executives’ communications:

1. Your content is dry or doesn’t match their voice. Audiences are more likely to relate to executives when you write in a personal, compelling voice. Spend the time getting to know their personalities and infuse it into your work.

2. You’re not using the right platforms and channels. Not everyone is going to be engaged by your leader’s most recent speech—but they might pay attention to a compelling sound bite posted to Instagram.

3. You’re not paying attention to their image in the media. With so many scandals in the news, trust is scarcer than ever. Communicators must work proactively to protect their leaders’ reputation.

End the disconnect between stakeholders and executives. Join experts on Sept. 13–14 in Washington, D.C. for the 2018 Leadership and Executive Communications Conference. You’ll get proven strategies for overcoming the above hurdles and more, and network with peers facing the same challenges.

Get audiences to see who your leaders truly are.

Register here to save $100.

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from PR Daily News Feed

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