Sunday, May 14, 2017

Reali, Yet Another Taking Aim at Commissions

Reali, which raised 2 million in 2016, is another startup taking center aim at commissions (that topic no one likes to talk about).

Sellers, pay a low total commission and get more out of your investment when listing with Reali. Experience selling with Reali.

Video overview:

The challenge with models taking aim at commissions publicly is listings listed with such brokerages are at an instant disadvantage. Why? Because some/many buyers brokers (who have relationships with buyers) won’t pro-actively show their clients these properties — even if they fall within the lines of what they’re looking for. Last I checked, you need two sides of a transaction for a deal to close.

The post Reali, Yet Another Taking Aim at Commissions appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.

from GeekEstate Blog

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