South Sudan (when it was still southern Sudan) on the Ugandan border finding a rooster I would soon kill, gut and cook for my all male, all Sudanese colleagues as a going away gift. We ate kidney beans and ugali EVERY DAY for months. I said I'd make a chicken curry before I realised what that would entail in a land with no shops. I am absurdly proud of this. Poor old rooster.
Dhaka, Bangladesh at the University. Bangladesh was my first real experience living away from home. I felt young and free and a world away from quiet suburban Perth (Australia). On this day I wandered into a students art studio and snapped up one of my favourite paintings. Everything in Bangladesh felt like a colourful adventure. I still think about moving back there.
This was one of my favourite days of my entire life. This is me and my younger brother in Rockingham, Western Australia. As a child, teenager and adult I have always loved hanging out with my family. I was never one of those kids who thought it "wasn't cool". On this day my parents, brother and I went to the beach and spent hours goofing off. Jumping off jetties, sea weed fights, making human totem poles, handstand competitions, just being a family of total dorks (a fact of which we are proud). I have always loved coming from a family that revels in its dweebiness.
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