Friday, December 30, 2016

What are some non-obvious signs that your child is burning out in school?

  1. Won’t dress up as much — too much effort. Girls stop wearing makeup or fixing their hair
  2. Tired all the time, doesn’t want to go anywhere
  3. Doesn’t want to share their exact grade in certain classes— because they’re bad. Those are the classes that made them give up. Consider enrolling them in weekly or daily tutoring for that class. This will most likely be against their will. Tutoring helps ease the stress because suddenly the hard class is easy! Back to normal! (In my case I took tutoring for Calculus every morning and night. Before finals I had it during lunch as well. I barely passed that class with a C. Tutoring will make them feel like they CAN do it, so then they finally WILL do it.)
  4. Gets less and less motivated to do any school work. Procrastinates, makes excuses, says it’s too hard, complains how much there is to do, etc. Never does it. May do at last minute. Sits around and does nothing a lot. Misses multiple assignments, usually the same kinds of assignments (always skips vocab in Physics, never completes Calculus homework, stops taking biology quizzes, etc)
  5. Skips school
  6. Late to work
  7. Late to classes
  8. Kids’ rooms that are normally clean get messy— a person’s house is a reflection of their state of mind
  9. Searches the internet for things like “what happens if you can’t get into college”
  10. Really irritable and grumpy— too stressed out

Read other related questions on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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