Friday, December 30, 2016

Why is Israel a right-wing cause?

The Right Wing hates Islam and Israel is seen as the frontline in their war on Islam.

Don't believe me? Heres the commentary a Right-Wing British site gave on far right-wing politician Geert Wilder's comments on Israel:

Geert Wilders, the far-sighted and courageous Dutch politician who sees Islam for the threat to civilization that it truly is, said this: “Israel is the lighthouse and the only democracy in this backward and dictatorial part of the world (The Middle East.) Israel is very close to us, to our European identity. Israel fights our war.” In other words, if Islam is not stopped on Israel’s borders, the next stop on its planned world conquest would be western Europe - closely followed by the USA.

Source: Israel is in the front line, fighting for western values against Islamic aggression.

I mean look at the title of the article itself!  "Israel is in the front line [...] against Islamic aggression."

This view that the Israel-Palestine conflict is really West v. Islam is heavily propagated among the Right, to the point that many of them believe that any concession Israel might give the Palestinians is a victory for the Muslim scourge.

This was also noted by several commentators, notably Reuters. Which wrote an article about this back in 2010.

Europe far right courts Israel in anti-Islam drive

The article points out that Haaretz also came to the same exact conclusion:

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz accused the rightists of "trading in their Jewish demon-enemy for the Muslim criminal-immigrant model" and visiting Israel only to get "Jewish absolution that will bring them closer to political power."


I am not inferring that supporting Israel is the equivalent of hating Islam nor am i trying to say all Rightists are seething Islamophobes encouraging violence.

However Israel has been adopted by the Far Right as an "ally" in their own war on Islam and Muslims. My answer comes from my experience with Right-Wing Christians in the U.S. who were frank that they only support Israel because they believe Israelis share their hatred for Muslims & Islam. 

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