Thursday, August 31, 2017

7 ingredients to tasty infographic writing

Infographics are the chocolate chip cookies of the internet.

Of course, not all cookies (nor infographics) are created equal. The special ingredient for whipping up irresistible infographics is tasty, snappy writing.

Visme is here to help you sweeten your visuals with tantalizing copy.

The first ingredient listed is a sharp, concise headline. The graphic suggests using “numbers, adjectives and keywords” in your headlines. As with all writing, it’s important to convey what the reader stands to gain right from the get-go.

This also applies to the infographic’s second recommendation—writing a compelling introduction—which either launches the reader into the chewy deliciousness of your work or sends them running to another section of the endless cyber buffet.

The next point pertains to structure and layout. The infographic advises leading with a catchy title, followed by an interesting intro and section subheads. Then you sprinkle in charts and graphs, sources and footnotes.

[RELATED: Join us for the Brand Storytelling and Content Marketing Conference at The Coca-Cola Company.]

The final four ingredients are more about aesthetics and quality control. Proofread everything, be judicious with text length (keep your word count under 400), and incorporate your branding. In other words, edit carefully to make your piece appetizing for the content dining public.

Then stand back, and let your readers digest. (OK, sorry.)

If you want your infographics to be akin to fresh-baked Gramma cookies—rather than dry, bland wafers—flavorful writing is the key ingredient. Review the graphic below as a guide to cook up something scrumptious.

7-Steps-to-Writing-Compelling-Infographic-how to write an infographic

from PR Daily News Feed

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