Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What do you think of the people in China?

This is just where I'm at after a year of living here and studying the culture.

I think that with so many people there should be more diversity but Chinese history and the current government, culture, education system, etc., would tell you why this isn't the case. As an American, it's hard to grasp the concept of wanting to blend in and be normal or just live a quiet, peaceful life. But I guess I understand it.

I have an inexplicable love for China and the people. Like familial love. The type that makes you want to hug your brother sometimes and slap the shit out of him other times.

The food is fantastic. And it's amusing for me that people compare different regional food as if Westerners are comparing food from different countries. It deserves that treatment but the western food is often lumped together (which I love and hate). I like the art and the culture, the places to go, the hospitality that is almost always offered. The smiles from old ladies and curious little kids staring at you occasionally. I can pretty much get anything done if I'm willing to go through paper work and money.

Then there are the things that I have mostly accepted, but find a little sad or frustrating at times.

The challenge of creating vibrant and diverse art and culture. This is something that I think will get better as time goes on but makes me feel a little frustrated at times. The music and movie/tv in China are often cringeworthy. I like some Chinese pop and the Chinese movies I like are often not allowed to be shown in China. Part of the problem here is that a lot of the great Chinese film and visual art gets censored by the government. Leaving only awkward structures, statues of government heroes, and dick-shaped buildings to be the pride of modern artistic achievements. (Granted, I really like the Bird's Nest in BJ). If you look at Hong Kong and Taiwan you can see the diversification of art and music and generally a much richer modern culture than anything you will find on the mainland. Although places like Shanghai and Beijing are catching up, as long as it's gov friendly. It's also difficult to focus on creating art when there is such immense pressure to be successful or buy a house, get married, and have kids. Many people on here have commented on the materialism of modern Chinese people. Yeah, it's definitely there. It's the new money mentality. I suppose they like having the things that their parents could have never had. They have to kill that image of the poor, starving Chinese person that some westerners still have. It's all understandable. Over time, as/if China opens up more and more and becomes more modern, I'm sure these things will change. Luckily, I'll be dead by then and probably won't have to see the China I know and love turn into even more of a modern bore similar to the one I grew up in.

Read other answers by Sam Filip on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora http://ift.tt/1WvgbEv

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