Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What are some small facts that might save your life one day?

  1. If you are cold and have no extra clothes, wrap a towel (or any suitable piece of cloth) or newspapers around your stomach. You can also stuff paper under any part of your clothing, but keeping the stomach warm is essential.
  2. Three or four T-shirts will keep you warmer than a thick jumper.
  3. In very hot sun keep the back of your neck covered.
  4. In any dangerous or threatening situation try to stay calm by breathing slowly and deeply.
  5. If you are threatened by a dog, scent or any fluid that can be squirted will put it off.
  6. If the dog actually has hold of you, then hit is sharply on the nose or in the eye.
  7. If someone threatens you, keep eye contact. If possible, talk and try and start a conversation (asking what they want etc.) If you have weapons available nearby, do not look in that direction.
  8. I is a good idea to have panic buttons around the house. These are just bells that can be switched on with a foot button.
  9. It is handy to keep a small compass in your car, and have some idea which way you are heading for or have come from. If lost you can start moving in the right direction.

Read other answers by Stan Hayward on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora http://ift.tt/291Cekx

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