Thursday, June 30, 2016

Why is the Scotland Yard called what it is despite not being located in Scotland?

The origin of the name comes from Great Scotland Yard.  Along with Middle Scotland Yard and Little Scotland Yard this used to be the part of Whitehall Palace where visiting kings of Scotland would stay.

Once King James VI of Scotland also became King James I of England this no longer became necessary (1603).  Most of Whitehall Palace burnt down in 1698.

After 1829 Great Scotland Yard, as well as buildings in Whitehall Place (where Middle and Little Scotland Yard previously stood), became the HQ for the new Metropolitan Police.  Because the police station was around the Great Scotland Yard side the name just became shortened to Scotland Yard.

The Met relocated in February 1967 to its present location in Broadway (soon to relocate again, back to the rear of Whitehall on Victoria Embankment).

The mounted police still have their stables in Great Scotland Yard.

I originally posted this answer under the question:
What is the origin of the name "Scotland Yard"?

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from Quora

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