Thursday, June 2, 2016

Why did Google Wave fail to get significant user adoption?

  1. Because invites were so damn limited. It took well over a dozen people inviting each other to get my entire med school class of <190 on there so we could work on review notes together. It should've taken no more than a handful, tops.
  2. There were synchronization bugs that were never worked out. It's incredibly frustrating when you work on something and then just flat-out lose it because 15 other people are working on it at the same time and the server has no idea what to do with all the changes. Real-time editing? Fail.
  3. No notification system. Sure, there was a Firefox plug-in, but this should've been integrated from the beginning. No one has any reason to be logged into wave all the time.
  4. User interface was not intuitive. Seriously. I can't count the number of times I had to explain to people how to use it. Also, there are way better ways to show how many people are on a wave than putting 100+ avatars at the top of a wave taking up real estate. A sidebar would've been much more elegant.
  5. Basic functionality was not there. Once you added someone to a wave, even if it was on accident, you couldn't remove them. What the heck? Since when does collaboration software fail to have an undo feature?
  6. It was slow. Really. Really. Slow. Quora's speed makes GWave look like a snail dragging a 10-lb weight.

I'll add more if I come up with them...

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