Friday, September 30, 2016

2016 U.S. Presidential Election: Would Hillary Clinton supporters support Bernie Sanders if he won the nomination?

I am a Hillary Clinton supporter. I will absolutely support Sanders if he wins the nomination.

There's a lot of flak between Clinton and Sanders supporters that I find unnecessary and frankly bizarre. I think a lot of the tension between Clinton and Sanders supporters is nicely explained by looking at through the lens of ideology vs pragmatism, as spelled out here:

2 ways of assessing political candidates, and how they explain the Clinton-Sanders conflict

I prefer Hillary because I believe she's better positioned to get things done. Sanders would likely face the same obstinate obstructionism that Obama has, and I prefer a candidate who is less ideologically aligned with me but accomplished more of the things I value to a candidate who is more ideologically aligned with me but accomplishes less.

Politics is not about zeal or ideological purity, it's about working with people you might not like or agree with to get things done--something the more fanatically inclined on both sides of the aisle would do well to remember. Zeal and fanaticism do not create good governance. They never have.

That said, I think both Hillary and Bernie would make fine Presidents, and certainly both of them are head and shoulders above the rolling clown car catastrophe that is what's left of the Republican party these days.

Read other answers by Franklin Veaux on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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