So now, what do we have:
A very high level executive that chose to conceal her communications from the intent of disclosure laws by running her own server and domain. There is no other excuse for this. No other plausible explanation.
It's a giant breach of government ethics, even if it was technically legal. When found out, she deleted half of the contents, printed out the other half and handed a pile of paper to the government, then wiped the server (and no Hillary, not with a cloth).
There are no good interpretations of her actions. At best, it's a display of absolutely terrible judgment, again and again and again. At worst, it's covering up a crime.
Hillary seems utterly confused by the whole thing, which is pretty disturbing in an era where some of our biggest national security risks are cyber... Do we want a POTUS that doesn't even understand what a cyber attack is? (Note Hillarys instance that the server was secure because it was under guard).
While democrats may not like to admit it, this is a major scandal. It's not a minor error, or a simple mistake.
It's also representative of a pattern of ethically dubious behavior on the part of Hillary Clinton. The media should be far more interested in it than it is.
Read other answers by Chris Everett on Quora:
- If Hillary Clinton is elected, how much would she succeed in turning her gun control agenda into law?
- Human Rights:
Is it sexist or condescending that Hillary Clinton is often referred to as "Hillary"?
- 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: How can Senator Sanders (I-VT) defeat Secretary of State Clinton in the primaries after New Hampshire?
from Quora
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