Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Why does the US government and all 50 states allow satanism?

I don’t know where you get your ideas about Satanism from, but I suspect that you haven’t gotten them from actual Satanists.

Satanism was originally invented in the Middle Ages by Christians as something to hate. It was a fictitious anti-Christian religion supposedly believed in by evil people who did all sorts of bizarre things such as performing Catholic ceremonies backward. It literally did not exist. It was all imaginary, a means of frightening Christians by making them think that they were surrounded by evil, and so needed the Church all the more.

In the 20th Century Satanism was re-invented by a few writers as a reaction to overbearing Christianity. There are different forms, but most of them are really about rejection of conventional mores. Some of them are explicitly atheist. Suicide is not holy, and animal sacrifice is not routinely practiced. (Animal sacrifice is a part of other religions, however.)

As for the law, it prohibits mistreatment of animals, but it cannot prohibit thoughts that you don’t approve of.

You can read more about Satanism here: Satanism - Wikipedia

Read other answers by Ernest W. Adams on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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