Friday, July 15, 2016

Are conservatives more American than liberals?

While attempting to not attack either side, which most others are taking this answer as an opportunity to do, I feel that their two ideal views of America are very different.

The Conservative believes that the America they see is fundamentally good, such that its institutions, its values, and its norms are best when they align with the intent of the philosophical basis on which America was founded. Modern conservatives believe in reforms, when one a practice or policy does not fall in line with this thinking. This is why most conservatives today have no problem with the repeal of slavery, universal suffrage, and any effort to seek equal treatment under the law.

Liberals believe that America is a great place because of its fluidity of change. They love that it is a place where, if enough people believe something, America will both culturally and legal adapt to it. It isn't that they love America for what it is today, and even less do they love what it used to be. The most scathing rebukes of history come from liberal sources. I don't think that this makes them necessarily unamerican, though. They just have a very different idea of what makes America good.

Essentially, Conservatives love America for what it was and is; Liberals love it for what it could be. If you ask one, they view the other as completely unamerican because of how wrong they are (subjectively.)

Read other answers by Jon Davis on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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