Friday, July 15, 2016

Have you ever woken up in a prison cell after a blackout?

Hasn't everyone? I thought that was normal...huh..goes to show what I know!

Yes I's terrifying.I woke up one particular time in a lot of trouble. I was chased by two seperate police departments and staties in a low speed pursuit...I kept pulling over and pulling away. It all started supposedly with someone calling about me driving erratically. This led to me being pulled over, handing the cop my expired (suspended) d.l,and when he went to his car I pulled away..I don't remember any of this..anyway eventually after about maybe a half hour I pulled over and was arrested. In the discovery it said they were ordering me out of car, but I was sound asleep...they took me to state police barracks, handcuffed to a bench,and they assumed I wasn't waking up and left me alone. Then the cop came back into the room and said I was wide awake and had drug a very heavy bench over to their desk and was dismantling their printer..when asked what I was doing I replied "I want a pepsi,this machine is broken!" They said I was very upset that this "machine" was broken...... I woke up a couple days later in the County jail and remembered nothing.. I do remember being terrified that I killed someone(I always had a gun,I'm so grateful I did not that time)'s a feeling of compete panic...I got bits and pieces from the c.o's,and the inmates told me what was on the news ..I remembered nothing at all, and do not to this day.

I only know because of discovery package, and testimony.. I got a minimum of 1 year,a max of 5 on that one, with state supervised probation. Back to the pen for me...I was out on 50k straight bond on another case when this happened. I had to get sentenced on that case while already in jail on this one. Ugh..

To this day I am so grateful I did not hurt anyone, if I ran a kid ,or anyone over or something I would just go to the family's house and hand the father a gun, and ask him to shoot me to give him and me peace. I was such a selfish little's unbelievable . I am glad I did not spread my misery that day..

That's not who I am anymore,and try to live every day to make all the bad I did right, thru kindness and helping others. I'm still not a saint, but not a sinner either.

Anyway,moral of the story? Xanax,bourbon,and cars don't mix.... Oh, and printers don't have Pepsi in them.

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from Quora

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