Sunday, July 17, 2016

Many developed countries have far stricter gun control than the US. Have any studies suggested that gun control would not be helpful?

If you want to test for the effectiveness of gun control laws, why compare apples to oranges when you can compare apples to apples? Instead of comparing Americans to French, Australians, British or Dutch, compare Americans to Americans.

There’s a broad continuum of gun control laws depending on various jurisdictions within the U.S. You have extremely restrictive gun control laws in places like D.C., and then you have Vermont, with about the same population, that has virtually no gun control laws. Look at the per-capita murder rates for both populations.

Have lax gun control laws made Vermont the most dangerous place in the country?

Has D.C.’s European style gun control laws provided it a European-like gun violence rates?

You might object and say it’s not fair to compare Vermont and D.C. They have different population densities, different sub cultures, and different demographics.

But if it makes no sense to compare two regions in the U.S. because of those differences, why would it make sense to compare the U.S. with nations across the pond? They have different population densities, cultures, and demographics too.

The fact that Vermont exists in the U.S. with lax gun control and low violent crime rates shows that gun control laws are not necessary to decrease violence. So your study isn’t necessary.

If the preacher insisted that I needed to pray over my garden every day in order for my vegetables to grow, but I pointed out that my garden has been producing an abundance every year with no prayer, while his, which he prays for every day has been producing jack shit, would you need to look for a study that suggests prayer doesn’t help vegetables grow? And if no study exists, would you ask me why I don’t start praying for my garden?

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from Quora

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