Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Why is Khal Drogo so awesome?

He isn't awesome. At all.

He's a pillaging warlord who lets his men enslave and rape at will (unless his wife complains about it) and who caused untold death and misery to a lot of people in Essos who didn't do anything to deserve it. He found out his son would be pretty much the worst warlord in the history of ever, and was thrilled. Mirri Maaz Durr did the world a favor by selling Dany the "horse for a husband" bullshit. And the fact that Dany romanticizes Drogo and Dothraki culture while sneering at Slaver's Bay culture (which wouldn't exist if people like Drogo didn't round up slaves to sell there) shows just how tonedeaf she really is. Drogo was every inch as awful as the people she crucified, and probably more.

Read other answers by Kelsey L. Hayes on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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