Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Do you think Stannis perished in the books as well? Or will something else occur?

No. The books have done so much differently in that regard that I think the Winterfell stuff is just a big, big detour.
  • Sansa isn't even at Winterfell.
  • Brienne and Podrick are in the Riverlands.
  • Davos is on his way to Skagos.
  • Stannis is much, much better-equipped and has many more people with him, including actual northerners and mountain clans.
  • Theon and Jeyne Poole actually get brought to Stannis' camp.
  • Shireen and Selyse are both very much alive and are still at Castle Black with Melisandre; they never left.
I can see why the show did this; they need to start combining the loose threads and cutting the fat; there was literally nowhere else to go for Stannis after last week. I get it. But I simply do not think it will play out this way in the books.

And I'll do you one better: We never see Brienne kill him.

Read other answers by Kelsey L. Hayes on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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