Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?

My father once rented an empty store in NYC at Lexington Ave. and 55th St. We discovered a locked basement door and broke it open.  Inside was a Civil Defense training center which appeared to have been untouched since the fifties. 

There were about six dummies lying on tables. They were used for teaching CPR and proper use of splints, bandaging of wounds, etc. and it appeared as if the place had been just closed one day mid lesson and never revisited.

There was also a supply of crutches, gas masks, first aid kits, and survival manuals of the "duck and cover" variety.

Decorated as it was with a nice layer of dust and cobwebs, it would have made a perfect horror movie location but we employees used it as the coolest pot smoking hideaway ever.

Read other answers by Denis Rubin on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora http://ift.tt/29UjQJd

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