Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What would you do if you were the last living person on Earth?

I would watch movies. I would eat as much ice cream as I could before the world’s supply melted, or went mouldy. I would search for others. I would do drugs. I would learn to fly a helicopter by trial and error. If I survived the landing I would raid a military base and try to launch a surface to air missile. I would play the organ in a cathedral. I would keep a diary and make stuff up. I would drink wine and go shopping for underwear. I would produce and broadcast my own television series. I would hold an election and vote unanimously for myself. I would send messages into space in English. I would turn on everything I could find that makes noise. I would select my favourite paintings from the State art gallery and improve them by adding my own ideas. I would start a fire in a department store window. I would sleep in the street.

Read other answers by Lionel Doolan on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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