Saturday, July 16, 2016

Which of the habits that you've adopted has done the most to improve your life?

Got a 9-5, 35 hour a week job? Great! Respect the time you’re there and force yourself to work. It’s just 20% of your week, and affords you the freedom to do what you want with the other 80%.
Don’t work outside work hours. Take your hour break, do something incredible with it. Leave at 5:05pm.
Don’t work long hours for a future that isn’t guaranteed. One of my friends lost both his daughters in a car accident. He always reminds me to spend as much time as possible with my daughter. To be the best dad I can be. I quit my start-up job and got a third sector charity job because of this.
Cook on the weekends. Do a big shop and batch cook - fridge and freeze. Don't waste time cooking during the week.
Pay a professional to clean and press your shirts, suits, bedding etc.
Get a cleaner to clean your home every other week.
Sleep in a good quality bed, early, and for at least 7 hours every night.
Take 2 minutes to stretch when you wake.
Take 30 minutes to just chill by yourself every morning. Drink coffee. Stare out the window.
Eat and drink clean. For me, that means water (90%), Coffee (5%), Wine (5%). Breakfast without fail. No white carbs. No added sugar or sugary drinks/ sweets. If I’m cheating, then I’m cheating for delicious, rich, enjoyable food. Not fast or junk food.
Make exercise part of everyday life. Cycle to work. Run alongside the dog. Play sports with your kids. I don’t gym but I’m healthy.
Invest in good footwear.
Get a haircut every 3 weeks. Suck up the cost and time. You’ll feel better.
Buy clothes that make you look and feel good.
Spend time with interesting and smart people.
Don’t rely on anyone.
Do at least equal amounts of cooking, cleaning, washing dishes/clothes, work etc.
Don’t rush anywhere. Take in life around you. Look at people.
Don’t stress about rules. Things will happen and everything will be put on hold – a new baby, a lost loved one, a change in work circumstance.
Keep photos, videos and things that trigger positive memories and feelings close by.
I categorise to include:
People – Those I love and the things they’ve done for me. For example; my wife – for her love, for delivering our daughter and managing our house purchase, my parents – for my upbringing and the sacrifices they made, my sister – for her words of encouragement and the endless time and love she has for her niece etc.

This makes me feel lucky, appreciative and in awe. I rarely cause arguments, and I forgive easily - because I know the positive things far outweigh the small and insignificant niggles.
Successes – The things I’ve done that are amazing. I’ve travelled the world – climbing mountains, through deserts, and rainforests etc. I play most sports (and games) well. I did stand-up comedy. I can write (and have published) some half decent short stories. I own (and worked at), a very cool startup providing jobs for many people. I help others with my new 9-5 charity job. I own a property in central London. I am married. I have a baby. I've still plenty of time, I hope (I'm 32).

One of the traps I often fall into is to look for excitement when life gets too familiar. The truth is; I’ve limited funds, even less time, and massive responsibilities - to change nappies, cook dinner, and sometimes to just re-charge. So, instead, I reminisce - I remember the moments and experiences that took my breath away, and the material things that I love and cherish.

Remembering allows me to continue enjoying my already gained successes, it slows me down and makes me feel content.

Read other related questions on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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