Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What is your irrational belief?

I am in my twenties.

Even if you are full there is a special place in your belly reserved for dessert.

Angels hold early morning strategy meetings to plot how to best protect me.

Boyfriend, and any boyfriend, has never loved another more than me.

I haven't asked. I don't need to.

There are many ways to eat things that make them calorie-free. If you eat a taco standing up, leaning over the sauce pan; or if you munch on broken cookies rather than whole cookies.

This also applies when eating crumbs, and when sharing.

If I am not in Mexico is my mom's house still there? Does she sit in her chair in the library? I can't be sure.

Things are quickly assembled before my arrival.

For a long time I believed anxiety was a premonition. I am rewiring my brain so that it learns anxiety is just a bunch of thoughts that don't exist unless I make them so.

Read other answers by Dushka Zapata on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora http://ift.tt/2d7TC6o

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