Thursday, February 23, 2017

What are some reasons to think Betsy DeVos will be good for education in America?



OK, this is tough. I’m a public school teacher from Michigan, and for my entire career (and then some) the DeVos family has been trying to make sure I don’t get paid well, I don’t get a pension, or medical benefits, or time off. The DeVos plan is really simple:

  1. Underfund public schools in any way possible.
  2. Blame those underfunded schools for “failing”, even though success is not really possible under the circumstances created by step 1.
  3. Defund / close / weaken those “failing” schools.
  4. Replace those “failing” schools with for-profit charters, or religious or non-profits that hire for-profit services like food, custodial, security, etc.
  5. Oh, step 3.5 - make sure you set up family members and wealthy friends with an inside track to get those juicy private contracts for said services.
  6. Profit for your family and cronies, more poverty and lower quality education for the communities you just pillaged.

Notice how “improving education” isn’t in that list anywhere?

In truth, if you want to improve education, you have to start with the community. You need to involve schools, social workers, doctors, parents, children, local governments, libraries, child care, police departments, etc. You have to create an environment that is safe, supporting, nurturing, and welcoming to all people. You have to help underprivileged parents raise their kids the way they want to but are unable to afford to.

THEN, once they’re in school, you have to do everything you can to provide a quality education while the children are in school, and at the same time continue to support the child and his or her family after school.

All of this will be expensive, but what better thing could you spend your money on?

Will DeVos do any of this? No. She will encourage states and local school districts to follow the 5 and a little bit more step plan above (no fractions because fractions are hard).

So what reasons are there to think that DeVos will be good for education?

I can think of only one: for the first time in history, a large number of people know who the Secretary of Education is, and why she’s uniquely unqualified (thanks Senator Schumer) for the job. And maybe, just maybe, moms and dads out there will remember who caused their kids’ schools to suddenly close or reduce services or otherwise fail their children.

And maybe, just maybe, those moms and dads will vote against this kind of idiocracy in 2018 and 2020 and beyond.

Read other answers by Dave Consiglio on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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