Saturday, February 25, 2017

What are your most controversial or unpopular opinions?

Oh, boy. As my dad always says, “This will go over about as good as a turd in a punch bowl”…he's never had the best colloquialisms. Anyway:

  1. I think people put way too much emphasis on saving money. I spend what I want to spend and buy what I want to buy. What's left over goes into savings. I've lived both sides of that coin, and I’m much happier doing what I do now. If I have to work until I die, so be it. At least I've enjoyed my life at a young age vs starting when I'm in my 60s.
  2. I don't see the point in getting married. People change, and who's to say that you and your partner will change into people that each other still likes or wants to be around? Staying single allows for a much cleaner split.
  3. I don't agree with participation trophies. If your kid isn't performing as well or better than his/her peers, they should know. If we keep giving everyone a damn trophy, then kids will have a much harder time realizing their flaws.
  4. I think black people can be racist. I keep hearing, “Black people can't be racist” and then a whole long-winded and contrived explanation. White people can be racist; black people can be racist. Hey, so can Mexicans, Asians, etc.
  5. I think atheists can be just as judgmental and intolerable as christians. It's not a viewpoint issue, it's a personality issue. No one should force their way of thinking on anyone. We should just accept that everyone is entitled to what they believe is right and move on. The same goes for conservatives vs. liberals and any other major divide in a society. Agree to disagree and move along.

Welp, I think I've gotten myself into enough trouble. I'll just see myself out.

Read other answers by Robert Puckett on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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