Saturday, July 30, 2016

What do most people do incorrectly?


Because, while sitting on the throne like you own the loo is comfortable, our bodies are actually built to accommodate the good ol' brick laying from a squatting position.

I won't explain this in biology terms, because I left them back home, but there's a muscle down there that is tightened when we're standing, looser when we're sitting, and the most loose when we're squatting. Can you squat and hold a fart in? Good luck with that experiment. So it should be easy to understand why squatting is the best position for answering nature's heavy call.

In fact, the risk for a lot of problems such as hemorrhoids, constipation, appendicitis, colonic obstruction and other similarly fancy things is increased in people who use the sitting toilet.

- Written from the comfort of my own throne.

-- Ok, not really.

--- But, could've.

Read other answers by Diana Crețu on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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