Friday, August 26, 2016

Your dog has to write a letter of recommendation for you. What does he say?

To whom it may concern:

I will be as honest as I can be about Kiera.

Kiera is very bad at math. She opens a canister of tennis balls, gives me one and says, "no more!" I am very good at math. I know there is two more tennis balls in the can. She also says, "last one" while throwing the ball and then proceeds to throw it one more time after the "last one."

Kiera will hardly ever be on time. She never sets an alarm. I have been her alarm clock since she was just a young thing. Yes, bright and early, I had to climb on her bed, rip off the covers and jump to wake her. I can only imagine how she wake up these days, because she moved far away from me.

Kiera is unreliable and a liar. Kiera would get in the car with me and say, "don't worry, you're coming back home." Being re-homed as a puppy haunted me for many years. Car rides were scary, but always easier with her. One day, she put me in the car and said bye. I never came home to her again. She visits my new home, but it's not the same. Her brother sleeps here, but she doesn't. She leaves me every time.

In conclusion, Kiera will stay with your company through it's golden years. You two will grow together and become best friends, then she'll just abandon you.

Save yourself the heartache, don't hire Kiera. The hiring process will never be the same.


Davina, a dog with trust issues.

Read other answers by Kiera Dwy on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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