Saturday, June 25, 2016

Like him or not, does anyone else take pleasure in watching Donald Trump rip apart the Republican establishment, particularly Jeb Bush?

It actually scares me because it indicates the darkness inside a surprising number of Americans who are willing to register Muslims, or allow dissenters to be beaten or who want to "bomb the shit out of Iran" or who think it's ok to insult a woman who need to use the bathroom or who like that someone uses statistics generated by a white supremacist organization or who think it's powerful to insult our friend and allies and call their citizens rapists and terrorists. That so many Americans are willing to tolerat this kind of rhetoric is not funny at all. It's scary. Where does it end? When we really are beating up reporters for writing "sedition"? When we really are rounding up "undesirables? When we really are moving 100,000 troops into combat? People say "Trump can't win" but evil triumphs when good men do nothing -- and I don't see enough good men, certainly not other Republican candidates, calling out Trump, for fear of losing some kind of favor. In the end, they want the votes of Trump's hate-filled supporters, and if they win, those supporters cannot be abandoned -- they have to be paid off in some fashion, through war or racist actions or other activities that Americans should vilify and stomp down. Is what Trump wants the kind of America we want to see? It's not what I want to see, and yet it has a growing constituency and an increasingly scary possibility of coming to pass.

Read other answers by Jay Bazzinotti on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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