Friday, June 3, 2016

2012 U.S. Presidential Election: Why did it take so long for Mitt Romney to give his concession speech?

Because its his political obituary, and who wants to rush that?

As one of the analysts on PBS said tonight, the first line of Mitt Romney's obituary is now written. Ouch. Unlike John McCain, Mitt Romney doesn't have a job to go back to. He's no longer a career politician and its not clear what he does going forward. Typically, those elements help define a concession speech. You thank your opponent, you thank your running mate, and you give a hopeful yet somber speech about moving forward together, blah blah blah. None of that is really defined here, however. Romney may very well not have a future with the party and he doesn't have to work with Obama at all. It's not clear what he feels like he owes his running mate, Paul Ryan, who by all accounts has a very bright future with the party but was contentious with Romney.

I think its very likely that Romney didn't have his concession speech planned for no other reason that it will very likely be his political obituary and he wanted to ease into it.

Read other answers by Jonathan Brill on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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