Thursday, June 2, 2016

How does an atheist find the courage of risking his/her eternal afterlife?

Let's assume that you are a Christian for the moment.

As an atheist, I have the same lack of concern as you have that the Zoroasters might be right about the One Supreme God Ahura Mazda and the almost equally powerful evil spirit Angra Mainyu, or that the Jews might be right that Jesus was a mere mortal preacher with a following who got embellished with stories about a virgin birth, miracles and a resurrection (why don't you think this is highly likely?), or that the Gnostics might be right about the evil creator dude of the Old Testament and the unknowable Supreme God, or that the Scientologists might be right about us being immortal aliens who have forgotten our true nature, or that the Muslims might be right that Jesus was a mere prophet, or that the Rastafarians might be right about Ethiopian emperor Heile Selassie I being the messiah, or that ... never mind.

OK, now we can drop the assumption that you are a Christian for the rest of my answer.

We just worry about one less god than you.  Is that so difficult to get?

All you are doing is to play Pascal's Wager, and my question is: on which god(s) do you suggest I place my wager? Yours? Where's your evidence?

Note:  None of the ancient holy books count as evidence:

  • The Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas is not evidence that Lord Vishnu, Shiva and the Hindu creator god Brahma exist.
  • The Guru Granth Sahib is not evidence that the friendly God of the Sikhs exists.
  • The Buddha had a great many admirable teachings, but the Tipitaka is not evidence that nirvana and reincarnation is true.
  • The Old Testament is not evidence that the Abrahamic God exists.
  • The New Testament is not evidence that Jesus is the son of God.
  • The Qur'an is not evidence that the Abrahamic God was not happy with the way the Christian infidels corrupted the true religion and so divinely revealed the Qur'an to Mohammed.
  • The Holy Piby of Rastafarianism is not evidence that God is Jah and that Ethopian Emperor Heile Selassie I was the messiah.
  • The Copy of the Secret and the Essence of the First is not evidence of the claims of the Druze that Universal Intelligence or Divine Essence exist.
  • The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh is not evidence that the Bahá'í Faith's all-inclusive God exists.
  • Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason is not evidence that the uninterested deistic Creator God exists.
  • The Dianetics of Scientology is not evidence that humans are immortal aliens who have forgotten their true nature.
  • The Zend Avesta of Zoroastrinism is not evidence that the One God Ahura Mazda and the almost equally powerful evil spirit Angra Mainyu exist.
  • Falun Gong's Zhuan Falun is not evidence that countless spiritual beings and demonic aliens exist.
  • The Book of Mormon is not evidence that the Native Americans are one of the lost tribes of Israel and that the second coming of Jesus will be in America.
  • The Gnostic Gospels and Acts is not evidence that the Supreme God is unknowable, that the creator God is evil and that matter is evil.
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is not evidence that Chopra's Supreme Reality pervades all things.
  • Etc.

Finally, why do you single out atheists for this question? Why don't you asks the Hindus, Falun Gong and Sikhs the same question? If you are right, their afterlife is at risk as well after all. I will tell you why. They wil say "that's what we believe, we have faith." And you know what? Then you have nothing. They just confidently throw your own answer back at you with their own holy books and imaginary friends. You do agree that they are imaginary, don't you?

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from Quora

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