Wednesday, June 1, 2016

When do you feel, or when have you felt, the most alone?

I guess not very often. I'm not unawares that I have the good fortune of a loving family, a loving husband and a pretty good job. What we don't get naturally from those in our lives (which is about everything) we can afford to buy. It's not that I don't have good days and bad days. I had a rough but ultimately happy 2015 - neck injury, loss of a pet, job loss, medical bills up the ass - but I am grounded with the (probably innate, I assume) consistently positive and optimistic personality (to the overwhelming annoyance of many people, including my husband).

Or whenever the Internet isn't working. Just like everybody else. 

Le sigh! Tres ennui!

Read other related questions on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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