Saturday, December 31, 2016

Does refusing to speak without a lawyer present actually make you seem guilty?

It was best said by "Better Call Saul".

Kettleman: I just think I'd look guilty if I hired a lawyer.
Jimmy: Well, actually, it's getting arrested that makes people look guilty, even the innocent ones. And innocent people get arrested every day and they find themselves in a little room with a detective who acts like he's their best friend. 'Talk to me, he says. Help me clear this thing up. You don't need a lawyer. Only guilty people need lawyers.” And boom - hey, that's when it all goes south.

Now, sure, if the police genuinely just want to talk to you as a witness and you immediately demand a lawyer, they might wonder what you're trying to hide. But if the police call you in and want to talk to you, they probably already think you're guilty. If they arrest you, they DEFINITELY already think you're guilty. The police don't arrest people they think are innocent. And arguing them out of that on your own is nearly impossible. If you can actually prove your innocence, then your lawyer will help you on that. If you can't, then you're in much more trouble on your own than you'd be with legal counsel.

If you're arrested, everything will happen under the assumption that you're probably guilty. Hiring a lawyer won't make that any worse, and it's often the best way to protect yourself.

Read other answers by Geoffrey Widdison on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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