Thursday, December 29, 2016

What is the most inappropriate thing you have been asked to do or have done at work?

In one of my first jobs, in a retirement facility, I was asked by the owner to sign someone else’s name in the book where we document pills that have been passed out. One of the medication aides had called and said she had forgot to sign for things.

It's extremely illegal to sign for someone else in those books, even if you know for a fact that they did pass the pill in question. Not only did I not know for a fact that she had done it, I was also a cook, and had no business being in the med books. I refused to sign, and was suspended for 3 days.

Later, the state was called by a family member that thought something fishy has been going on, and it was discovered that the gal I had been asked to sign for had been stealing narcotics.

I am SO glad I refused to touch that book.

Read other answers by Alix Weich Dahlen on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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