Friday, December 30, 2016

What are your most controversial or unpopular opinions?

Sex shouldn't be stigmatized and should be openly discussed.

Nothing about the human body is shameful. Sometimes it's gross, but definitely not shameful. Nakedness isn't disgraceful, nor should it be looked down upon or condemned.

Over time, there have been systematic ways, some conscious, some not, in which races are treated differently.

It's not always the fault of the impoverished person for being impoverished.

No one should fight to invalidate another's gender identity. Just because you may not understand it doesn't make it nonexistent.

All sexes face discrimination and all of them need to be taken into account when seeking equality.

Society is not collapsing into amorality.

Bathrooms and changing rooms would be better off mixed gender with private stalls for those who'd prefer them.

Education should take a much higher priority in our society.

There's no one single parenting method that is perfect. Parents are raising human beings, not robots.

Religion isn't evil. People use religion for evil purposes. The same people would find something else to latch onto in order to promote their bigotry and hate in order to make themselves seem superior to others.

Education is a valid solution to a lot of our problems. But it's a complicated and expensive route to take.

Mental health is another priority that we constantly ignore. Not ignoring it is another solution to a lot of our problems that is an incredibly expensive route to take.

People are selfish. And that's not necessarily bad. It's expected: we only live through one perspective. Even altruism is rooted in positive feedback. If we can recognize this and not pretend to be taking some sort of mythological high road, we'd be much better off.

Meat is not “murder”. Everything dies. But there are definitely more ethical ways to farm than what we are doing now. We can offer a much more humane life and death for the creatures that feed us.

Semantics are rarely useful when discussing “big issues”. Semantics simply allow us to talk above and around one another in order to avoid reflecting on our own views.

Just because a word is defined one way currently doesn't mean that its interpretation isn't in the process of development. Language is used as a method of communication (surprise!), which results in meanings transforming over time. Although there may be a dictionary definition in place, that same concept may have a different and valid societal definition.

Dictionary definitions are subject to be altered. You can consider them law, yes, as the law is constantly changed and updated.

Two people can simultaneously be correct in their opinions.

The news is filled with Yellow Journalism that doesn't inform us, but, rather, leads us.

I like having several languages spoken around me. I never want that to disappear. The whole “everyone should only speak English” movement saddens me.

What works for one country may not work for another. We can learn from one another and criticize one another, but expecting uniformity is belittling to humanity and all of its diversity in our current circumstances.

Not every kid is meant for college. We'd be better off offering multiple pathways to success rather than pushing the whole, “college is the only way” mentality.

Many of our big issues are incredibly complicated and can't be fixed overnight. Simple solutions sound great, but don't suffice.

IQ is a useless number that is simply insulting when we consider the complexities that make us human.

We should take care of our world. Capitalism is not an excuse for detrimental waste.

You may respond as you wish. I am not creating an “echo chamber” by blocking aggressive and antagonistic people who do nothing but wish to provoke anger. Yes, this point is a part of my list.

Read other answers by Kaite Mason on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora