Saturday, December 31, 2016

Now that they no longer need to hold their tongues, what did Democrats really think of Hillary Clinton?

I voted for Hillary Clinton. My view of her has not changed since the election.

I thought and think:

  1. Ms. Clinton was qualified for the job.
  2. I would have preferred Bernie Sanders over her.
  3. Most of the accusations against her are groundless. In twenty years, no one has been able to prove wrongdoing. No one has even filed an indictment.
  4. The case with her e-mails is harrassment, nothing more.
  5. Bill Clinton’s shortcomings should not have been held against her. Mr. Clinton was not running; legally, he could not be President of the USA again.
  6. She promised a better vision of America than her opponent did. Now we will never know whether she would have delivered.
  7. She is certainly a better choice than her opponent.

By contrast, I suspect people voted against her because:

  1. The constant repetition that she was crooked, without the need for proof or even a reasonable argument, persuaded a number of voters not to trust Ms. Clinton.
  2. There was apparently resistance to a woman serving as President of the USA. Strangely enough, a number of women voters voted against her. Why they did so is between them and their consciences.
  3. Donald Trump appeals to authoritarian voters, those who want a leader to give orders and tell them what to think.

I do not mistake Ms. Clinton for a heroine or a saint. Only that she was a far better choice than Trump.

Fair Warning: if you want to make a pro-Trump argument in comments, make sure you make a reasonable argument. Name-calling, argument by repetition, and ad hominem attacks constitute an unreasonable argument. Any such comments will be deleted faster than you can play the One Minute Waltz.

Read other answers by Chrys Jordan on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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