Tuesday, December 27, 2016

What is a memorable moment where you took pleasure in someone else’s misery?

Well shit. It happened when I was 16 and at 27 I'm STILL enjoying it.

My mum got a phone call to tell her that her old uncle was dead, dead, deaditty dead.

She turned and told me and my twin sister saying, “Girls, Big Papa died” (We called him big papa because he was as fat as fat can be. My grandfather was Little Papa cause he was fit as a fiddle)

We reacted by bursting into laughter and dancing around the room. I shit you not, we were swinging around that room sarcastically quupoing, “Oh Nooooooooo How saaaaad”

Mum just looks at us and says, “I don't suppose you want to come to the funeral?”

“No thanks, we're good, you guys go have fun!”

What a pair of bitches right? Eh, not really.

The Why…

My earliest memory is being dropped off to Big Papas house for a week. It's my earliest memory because it was so awful it woke my brain up enough to form memories.

He favoured our older sister because her biological father was his nephew (cousins with my Mum. Strange times…) and my sister and I had a white Dad and as a result we are also white. I believe he was under the impression that we were spoilt and favoured at home and that my older sister must be suffering for not having her father in her life. (Yeah but that was HIS choice. He did a runner on my old mum)

So my twin and I weren't allowed to talk.

We weren't allowed to make any noise.

One day I didn't finish my dinner (Boil up which is boiled potato, pork and cabbage all in the same pot and to this day I can't eat it) so he piled a plate high with boiled cabbage and force fed it to me. I stayed at the table for what felt like hours having muck shoveled into me.

The following morning I woke up and vomited next to my bed. When my aunt saw what I'd done she told Big Papa and made me stand in front of him while he screamed at me from his chair (too fat to get up) and hit me around my legs with an extension cord.

When my twin started crying he threw a telephone book at her head and said he was going to put her in the yard with the rottweiler and let it eat her.

Later on he and aunty took us to the beach. I LOVED the beach and ran to the water as soon as we got out of the car jumping around and happy thinking, “This isn't so bad.”

When he caught up he mistook my twin for me and slapped her for running down to the water and not waiting till he said we could go.

After that, my older sister said to us that we should only play in the basement because he's too fat to come down the stairs. So we stayed down there and she invented games for us to play.

On the day we got to go home we were all packed into the car and I had my legs stretched up against the front to seat. He turned around and started hitting my legs.

I knew something was wrong because he then said, “Don't tell Mum that I hit you.”

I just nodded my head thinking I’m telling her everything. You see, up until this point no adult or anyone for that matter had ever hit any of us. We'd never been abused or anything even close to it.

As soon as I got home and told mum she had this look on her face that was so stormy and enraged and she called my other aunty (Big Papas daughter) I don't know what she said but we never ever went back to his place to stay.

On occasion the whole family would stop in on the way through to somewhere else but my twin and I never got out of the car.

My older sister eventually moved in with him because he was sending her to high school while the rest of us were home schooled.

She would always bring us books and things to do when we were waiting because she understood why we never went into his house.

On her 7th birthday he came to our house and offered to take us all to the movies to watch Pocahontas. When we got in his car he immediately started pecking at me and my twin.

My older sister started shouting “STOP BULLYING MY SISTERS!” ( She always screams at people who she perceives to be threatening her twin babies lol)

He took it so far up the arse that his favourite baby called him out so he turned the car around and wouldn't take us to see Pocahontas.

Dad bought it for us on video anyway so fuck you, Big Papa. We saw Pocahontas and we didn't have to smell you while doing it. Old wanker.

My sister eventually moved out of his place cause she failed an exam and he strangled her. She said she shoved him and he fell back on his arse. She said he looked terrified and she was freaking out so she packed her shit and hitched all the way home. Before she got home he rang my dad and said she attacked him My Dad was angry that my sister had to hitch all the way home and tore into Big Papa and Aunty for not driving her. We never went back there till after he was dead.


Read other related questions on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora http://ift.tt/2hknFIb

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