Tuesday, December 27, 2016

If you park illegally, and then give yourself a fake ticket, what would happen?

Most officers (or a civilian counterpart) that issue parking tickets work one particular area in an ongoing loop. They go through and either note violations and/or mark tires, etc. Then they go on to another area and do the same. They'll generally circle back at some point to the original area and note which cars are now in expired meters, haven't moved, etc. This is their job. They likely will know they didn't issue a citation previously and now write one.

Or - they'll walk up to the vehicle and verify information (VIN number for example) before issuing the citation, then stick it on your window.

I know people talk about doing that - using an old or fake ticket in the hopes they'll get passed by as you suggest. You can try, but you could also risk not just a citation, but towing. If you use a fake government seal or emblem, you could also be facing criminal charges.

Read other related questions on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora http://ift.tt/2iBDNtT

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