Saturday, December 31, 2016

What is Batman's biggest badass moment ever?

This guy has faced Darkseid twice, taken on the Justice League, taken on Amazo, fought Superman, and sat in the Mobius chair. He has a lot of awesome moments under his utility belt.

But, I'd say that it's probably the time he took on the entire army of the genetically enhanced aristocratic ninjas, the Court of Owls (Talons) that were holding his house hostage… and won.

“Bruce Wayne, the Court of Owls has sentenced you to die.”

The scenario screams comic-book, but it's still plain amazing. At the start of the fight, you see Bruce fighting on Wayne Manor's rooftop, barefoot and in his pajamas, steadily trying to defeat the Talons as best he can. He's recovering from some major injuries. He's unprepared— he’s caught off guard.

At least, that's what the Talons think… But, as we all know, Batman is never truly unprepared. Let's just say that Bruce finally puts his supposed mastery of 127 different forms of martial arts to good use…

Utilizing everything that he has in Wayne Manor to defeat the Talons, from his highest bits of tech to potted plants, and exploiting all of their weaknesses, we get the most epic Batman battle ever seen.

All the while, he's communicating with Alfred, via an eyepiece, and cleverly leading the Talons into the Batcave. When he finally succeeds, and locks himself in with them, he pulls out one of the coolest bat-armors we've seen:

Even this armor still isn't quite enough, and he eventually stops them by exploiting the zombie Talons’ vulnerability to cold— he freezes the batcave (did I forget to mention that they're also zombies? Yeah, they're zombies). This nearly kills Alfred, Batman is badly injured, Wayne Manor is left trashed, and the overarching battle isn't entirely over… But, as far as this fight is concerned, somehow Batman still pulled out a win.

Let's be honest… What's more BA than Bruce taking on an army of genetically-enhanced, aristocratic, zombie, ninjas?

Edit: Oh my gosh! This is my first answer to hit 1K upvotes! Thanks so much everybody!

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