Monday, October 31, 2016

8 online mistakes for marketers to avoid

Social media has been a consistent tactic in marketers’ lives for years.

It’s been long enough that we should have a firm grasp on what to do and what not to do online—but mistakes (lots of them) still happen.

Every organization is different, each platform has its intricacies and we approach our jobs with different skillsets. So, before you launch into writing, posting, interacting, measuring and optimizing your social content, start with a firm understanding of those three things: your organizations, social platforms and your gifts (or lack thereof) in the online space.

Once you’ve established that understanding and it’s time to make serious plans, consider avoiding these eight mistakes, which come courtesy of Digital Marketing Philippines.

1. Having no social media strategy. How will you know what to post or whether your social media efforts are working unless you begin with the end in mind?

2. Creating too many accounts too quickly. Grow your presence—just not overnight.

Launch your presence on a platform when you know that your audience is already there and will be receptive to your message on that channel. You don’t want to take on too much and get overwhelmed. Start with what you can manage.

JUST ANNOUNCED: The 2017 Social Media Conference for PR, Marketing and Corporate Communicators at Disney World.

3. Paying for fake followers. Don’t do it.

4. Only pushing marketing messaging. Mix up your content with what messages your audience will find valuable and pepper in hard sales messages occasionally (if at all).

5. Using irrelevant and/or too many hashtags. Keep your hashtag use under control.

Definitely use them, but be judicious. Instagram is the only venue where it’s not a travesty if you go nuts with hashtags.

6. Too much posting. Experiment to find out how often your audience will be receptive to you posting per day/week. Once you get going, you can find your sweet spot.

7. Forgetting to proofread. If you manage an organization’s account and you make a spelling or grammar error, you’re dead to me (or at least unfollowed).

8. Neglecting the “social” aspect of social media: This can be tricky. There are certain organizations that lend themselves to having one-on-one interactions with followers. If this isn’t your presence, you still should be aware of what’s being said about your organization across social platforms.

For more on these mistakes, check out the infographic below:


from PR Daily News Feed

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