Sunday, October 30, 2016

Why are the gun control folks not calling for new laws after the Dallas shooting like they were for other shootings?

They are but they are having a really hard time finding a narrative to use since none of this fits the usual narrative of “racist white loner with a high capacity murdering assault weapon”.

The shooter was black (wrong race), a discharged military veteran (had firearms training and considered a trusted user of guns to the elites), wanted to target white people (the acceptable racism apparently), passed Federal background checks (UBCs wouldn’t have worked), targeted police officers (allowable group to target for grievances due to their racism and brutality against the shooter’s racial makeup) and used an SKS rifle (no detachable magazine, acceptable 10 round capacity, wood stocked, not an AR-AK-15/47).

It’s the only good that has come out of this horrible event as it is forcing the anti-gun forces and media to be hoist by their own petard for a change.

So other than screaming soundbites of “Stronger gun control!”, they’ve got nothing they can push at the messaging level that is going to play well with the general populace. Until the shooter opened fire, he was an accepted virtue and grievance victim of society that we needed to understand more deeply because of our blind privilege and inability to sympathize with his plight.

There is no gun control that could have prevented this. So there is no need to call for new laws. The answer to every crime is not another ineffective law.

Read other related questions on Quora: Read more answers on Quora.

from Quora

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