Thursday, January 26, 2017

Should Livestreaming Be a Part of Your Social Strategy for 2017?


We’ve steadily seen video take a higher rank in useful marketing tools over the last few years, and last year, the rise in popularity of livestreaming changed the game for marketers. Rather than having carefully scripted and recorded videos, you stream in real time, mistakes and all. People love the spontaneity of livestreaming, and brands are finding it a viable marketing tool. 


So where does livestreaming fit in for you this year? What do you need to know?

First, is Your Audience There?

Livestreaming audiences tend to be younger (under 30), depending on the channel. And there are a lot of livestreaming channels right now (and counting): Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Twitch, and Periscope are just a few of the current livestreaming sites.

So it’s important to know your audience and determine which channels they’ll use. For example, my 12-year-old son thinks Facebook is for old people like me, so he prefers Twitch and YouTube for his livestreaming needs. Knowing you won’t reach the teen segment on Facebook is important if you’re considering livestreaming as a strategy.

What Do People Want to Watch?


I think we’re moving away from the voyeuristic desire to watch people do ordinary things on video. As it pertains to brands, here are some strategies that are successfully attracting audiences:

  • Question and answer sessions with a company representative
  • Product demos
  • Streaming live events
  • Product launches
  • Takeovers by influencers

You’re really only limited by your own creativity. Keep your audience in mind, and consider what sorts of content is resonating with them elsewhere. If people love your funny Friday Facebook posts where you share photos of your company hide-and-seek event, maybe try livestreaming it to see if you get any play that way.

Perks of Livestreaming

The cool thing about livestreaming is that it lives beyond the moment. So if you stream for 20 minutes on Facebook, that video will be archived under your videos on your company page, and people can continue to enjoy it over time.

Another perk is that people who wouldn’t otherwise know about your brand can find you through livestreaming. You have the potential to expand your reach with very little effort (and zero investment).

Livestreaming is definitely worth consideration as you amp up this year’s marketing strategy. It plays so nicely with social media and other aspects of your marketing!

Learn more about branded video with PR Newswire’s Video Production Boot Camp to help you prepare for your next production.

Images: Pixabay 1, 2

from Blogs

1 comment:

  1. Live streaming is the latest fad on social media so make sure to get live with your audience from time to time.
    Live streaming would give you a more intimate space with your viewers and encourage them to interact with you more often. It would allow more personal interaction with your audience in real time.
    You can also share your live videos later, so that those who have missed out the live streaming can view them again. A tour of your business, a demonstration of your products or an interview with the creators are some of the possible content which can be created with a live video.
    Make sure to make the most out of the apps which allows you to go live directly from the blog.
